Protecting Yourself From A Gambling Spouse

Your husband needs to learn how selfish it is for him to have a gambling problem while his family has unmet financial needs. Tell him that if you don't see any change in this financially devastating habit, then you will be forced to file for legal separation in order to protect yourself from any debts or liabilities he incurs as a gambling addict. The good news is that we have ways to fight quarantine fatigue and protect your marriage from burnout. Take great care of yourself. The road to a healthy relationship always begins with the person you can control the most: you. And in this season of uncertainty, you need to recognize signs that you’re exhausted. The best method of protecting your wishes is through a well-written estate plan. Such a plan includes a detailed will, a power of attorney, and trusts for your assets. For each of these documents, you will need to consult a well-vetted estate attorney (see below for tips on finding an estate attorney) to make sure your wishes are legally binding.

Protecting Yourself From A Gambling Spouse Without
You don't need legal advice, you need relationship and marital advice. Your husband needs to learn how selfish it is for him to have a gambling problem while his family has unmet financial needs. Tell him that if you don't see any change in this financially devastating habit, then you will be forced to file for legal separation in order to protect yourself from any debts or liabilities he incurs as a gambling addict. He has to treat the situation like it's any other debilitating addiction. There are 12 step programs for gamblers. As long as there are no consequences for him, he's going to continue to destroy your family's financial future. If he can't understand this, and changes habits, then he must understand that his selfish behavior will require that you take drastic financial and relationship actions. Legally, keep all your assets and accounts separate until you know that you can trust your husband to not spend your future on something of no value to your family. If he wins the lottery, then I was wrong. I'll bet that I'm not wrong. Good Luck and God Bless You!