Martingale Roulette Interdit Casino
The experienced roulette player will almost never apply a traditional betting system in the way it is depicted in various sources. The reason for this lies in the fact that all systems have limitations and potential traps, which have to be overcome. We should note that consistent winning is usually achieved with certain adjustments in the methods of play, with additional fine-tuning of system play.
The online casinos did come with a rule which limits the stakes. The limit of these stakes are 500 Euro most of the times. By doing this, players at the casino can’t use the Martingale strategy entirely. Considering the above, the Martingale Roulette strategy might be the best strategy to use when looking for a structural win. The Martingale roulette strategy appeared in 18th century France and was created for a game in which the gambler wons if a coin came up heads and lost if the coin came up tails. With this system, if a player has got a lot of money and can afford to bet all of it, theoretically he cannot lose. HOME Roulette Guide Playing the Martingale System The experienced roulette player will almost never apply a traditional betting system in the way it is depicted in various sources. The reason for this lies in the fact that all systems have limitations and potential traps, which have to be overcome.
It became clear in the prior article, that the traditional Martingale system and its variations have a robust mathematical logic. However, the traditional system is not immune to drawbacks, which makes it hazardous to play.
One of these drawbacks is the restrained number of opportunities a player has to double his/her losing bets until the required wager grows far too much and reaches the table limit. Another disadvantage lies in that the amount, which is exposed to risk every time a string of losses occurs, grows considerably.

The ”Illusionary Bets”
However, there is a way to cushion the above-mentioned drawbacks and it includes the application of the so-called ”illusionary bets”. The latter represent zero-value bets, which are never placed for real. They are also known as ”null bets”, as a player does not have any money exposed to risk.
If we presume that the minimum bet is 5 units and the table maximum is 1000 units, the following series of losses may be expected before the limit is reached:

5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640
In case the eighth bet loses, it will be quite an unpleasant situation and it may occur once every 170 ball spins, as we said in the previous article. Thus, we need to overcome such a situation.
Let us assume that the moment we take our seat at the roulette table, six even-money outside bets are to be chosen from. During the prior wheel spin, at least two or three of them turned out to be losers. In case a bet is made on one of the prior losers, this would mean it is the second bet in a potential series of losses. This way the first bet was an illusionary one, a null bet. It just extended the theoretical series of losses to nine bets, or a bit longer than before. We now have the following string:
0 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640
Such a series of losses (9) may occur on average once every 323 spins. Thus, there has been an improvement in the situation.
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We may not make the first bet until one of the even-money bets lost two or three consecutive times. Let us presume that we abstain from placing the first bet until there have been three losses in a row. The theoretical series of losses will now include three null bets and will be as follows:
0 0 0 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640

Such a series of losses (11) may occur on average once every 1 165 wheel spins, or it would be equal to 12-14 hours of play.
Playing the Martingale System
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The ”CYA Bets”
Cunning players have come up with another bet modification, known as the CYA bet. It represents a bet covering past losses and does not provide a player with an opportunity to score gains. The CYA bet is a more logical action than a double bet because, after a string of several consecutive losses, a player will look for compensation instead of scoring a meager 5-unit gain.
When playing the Martingale system, a player should profit on winning bets and after a series of no more than three losses. Once a fourth or a fifth consecutive loss has been registered, he/she will need to shift its objective from making a profit to compensating for the string of losses. In doing so, a player will have a complimentary wheel spin before the table limit is reached.
If we have three null bets and a CYA bet after the fourth loss, a table limit of 1000 units will not be encountered until the 12th loss. Or, we have the following series:
”CYA Bets” | ||||||||||||
Bet Number: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Bet Amount: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 160 | 320 | 640 |
The probability of twelve consecutive losses occurring is 1/2213 (once every 2213 ball spins). However, we should not forget that it may occur on the very next twelve ball spins.
In the past few years, a number of casinos have raised their maximum outside bet limits to $10 000 or even more. Given that figure, if we have three null bets and a CYA bet after the fourth loss, we would be able to double our losing bets 16 times. The probability of sixteen consecutive losses occurring is 1/28 844 (once every 28 844 ball spins). However, it may occur on the very next sixteen ball spins.
The methods we discussed above are valid for the traditional Martingale system only. As far as the grand and the reverse variations of the Martingale are concerned, average players and, especially beginners, should avoid using them, as there is no certain way to cushion the high levels of risk.