Casino Near Moline Illinois
CASINOS in & near MOLINE, ILLINOIS - 2020 up-to-date list Osceola Lakeside Hotel & Casino The Lakeside resort is a casino hotel located in Osceola, Iowa. This establishment has more than 1,000 slots like Tarzan & Jane, Big Buck Hunter, Elvis the King and Wizar. There are 12 Casinos in or near Moline, Illinois IL. A C Coin & Slot. A C Coin & Slot is located approximately 7 miles from Moline. Contact information: 2002 W River. Feet of gaming space. There are six casinos altogether, with more than 7,200 machines and 400 table games with more than 17 different types of table games, including 100. Empress Casino Joliet River Boat Casino. 2300 Empress Drive Joliet, Illinois Located at crossroads Interstates 55 and 80, 40 Miles SW of Chicago.
Celebration River Cruises
The Celebration Belle is a 800-passenger luxury riverboat. All day cruises, lunch dinner, Big Band and more February through November. Day trips also on Mondays and Tuesdays. Email or call for a complete schedule and pricing at 800.29734 or 3September 764, 1952.
John Deere Attractions
Visit the John Deere Attractions website to learn more about the events and activities happening at the John Deere Pavillion, the John Deere World Headquarters and at the many John Deere historic sites around town.
Julie's Video Poker & Slots in Moline, Moline, Illinois. Gaming cafe featuring video poker and slots. Complimentary snacks and drinks for players and alcohol for purchase.

Center for Belgian Culture of Western Illinois
The Belgian Museum of the Quad Cities offers a collection of documents and archival material for genealogical/historical research. The center offers a translation service, lace-making demonstrations, and a gift shop. Enjoy a Belgian waffle breakfast the first Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to noon. Tours are available upon request. Hours Saturday 1 - 4 p.m. Wednesday 1 - 4 p.m. The center is located in Moline's Olde Towne District 712 - 18th Avenue, Moline, IL 309-762-0167.
Rock Island Arsenal Musem
Arsenal history featuring 'People, Processes and Products.' Large collection of U.S, foreign, military and civilian small arms. Rock Island Arsenal Building 60. Open 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily, except major holidays. Free admission. Call 309-782-5221 for more information.
Casinos Near Moline Illinois
Rock Island Historical Society House- Museum Complex
History of area from mid-1800s to early 1900s. The Atkinson-Peek house, Carriage House, and Clothes Loft make up the RICHS museums. The museums are open for individual and group tours during the spring and fall open houses or by appointment. Tours are free; donations will be appreciated which help to support the maintenance of the facilities. Please call 309-764-8590, Wednesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for an appointment.
TaxSlayer Center
Moline Illinois Weather
Premier concerts, sporting events, family shows, conference facilities. 3 September 764, 2000. 1201 River DR, Moline, IL. Call for event schedule/admission. View the TaxSlayer Center website for more information.